I did a guest lecture last night at Marshall University. My talk centered on dementia and the SLP’s role. A day later, it is interesting to reflect on that brief time I spent with the class. A little nervousness came over me, far different from my typical experience presenting. I am rarely nervous for an 8 hour day and room full of therapists, but this hour lecture to a few graduate students caused me to loose the timing and fluency that I have worked hard to perfect.
So after sleeping on it I realized what my deal was. I had a room full of people who were seemingly eager to hear what I had to say. Not your standard CE course with texting, passing notes to one another, (both distractors I have learned to tune out completely), but now I had the full attention of 25ish speech-language pathologists in the making. A very different audience that my norm. They were all fully aware, took notes diligently, and the amount of motivation in that room was overwhelming. That is a different sort of pressure than I am used to. The ladies’ passion and desire to take in all of the information they possibly could was refreshing, but also a bit nerve-racking.
I did however enjoy my time with that class and their eagerness was what I appreciated most. They had a look in their eyes, apparent excitement to learn, and thoughtful questioning. Their questions were more frank and to the point than I anticipated. I talked about dementia, how we can provide services throughout the stages, as well some of the reasons I love working with this population. As I started to wrap things up, two unanticipated questions came barreling at me. The first student asked if “I felt prepared for the work I do when I started in the field”, and I answered with honesty. Maybe I even laughing a little at the thought of feeling completely equipped at any phase, new grad or seasoned professional. I didn’t and still can’t be prepared for everything I encounter. The next student asked me if “I wanted to leave them with one thing what would that be?” Now this was the question I had not thought about, and I completely veered off topic. I told students not to box themselves in, not to underestimate what they can achieve, or how their skills might provide service. She probably wanted to know the gold standard for dementia treatment, but if you know me I tend to go beyond, and wanted to bestow a grander knowledge for life fulfillment J
It’s remarkable that we ended on such a note. I was completely out of my element for the evening, and feeling less than confident about it. My guidance to these students was to push the boundaries, and believe in their abilities. You know what? I think that is sound advice. I operate that way in my clinical practice, in my life, and my career. Hopefully the students saw it that way as well, and know that there is no cookbook, there is no right way to do it, or wrong way to do it. Life, work, treating patients, we just have to take what we know and apply it to the reality at that moment.
Great blog, Erin. It's refreshing to know that sometimes even the most polished and professional presenters are rattled a bit. Your experience of pushing yourself beyond your normal comfort zone mirrored the sentiment of your parting comments. That's what makes your advice so compelling--you don't just say it, you do it!