Friday, July 8, 2011

Where are the Words?

Word finding is one of the most frustrating language symptoms of aphasia related to dementia. It comes about early in the process of the disease, and it exacerbates as the dementia progresses.

I could explain and describe, but I think this short video says it all. Link below.
"Forgetting words. I'm trying to think of it..."

So leave space for the person to think.

Provide time as the words may come slowly.

The video's example of a multi-sensory experience is ideal, the senses of touching, feeling, tasting, hearing, seeing, and smelling will work together and help elicit the verbal response.

Ask one question at a time and WAIT. Bombarding the system with information to comprehend without ample time to process and formulate a response will not be the most effective strategy.

Don't forget that words may not be the most important part. While losing language and memory is devastating it is not the only way in which people experience the world.