Monday, June 18, 2012

A People Therapist

The moment when you realize things have come full circle.  When you realize this is where you are supposed to be and are thrilled to have made the decisions allowing it to happen.

For me, this moment is right now.  

Away from the mind is taking a different route, just as I have.  My clinical focus has diversified, shifted, and I am now working part time in an outpatient clinic and hospital.  The why behind this change was huge but now is not the time to get into it.  I still dabble with PRN work in long term care and skilled nursing, but this new job is really a dream come true.  My first job as an SLP was almost exactly like the one I have landed in now; mostly kids, a few adults, outpatients and inpatients. I am right back where I started and it feels great.   On the downside I have gone through many questions in my mind like how to change my focus?   Can I really go back and pick up where I left off?  Will I still serve kids as effectively as before?  Can I give up all the work I’ve done with these adults I so love?  Do I even have to give up the work with adults?   I still feel strongly about helping this fragile geriatric population that so many look over, but it didn’t feel like it was the place for me any longer. 

 The answers were not easy to come to but basically I know that it is not all or nothing.  

What a terrible limitation to place on myself “I am an adult therapist”  or “I am a pediatric therapist”.  I am choosing to define myself (if I have to do that) as a “people therapist”.  My strength is understanding people who think differently, learn differently, communicate differently, and this ability is limitless.   So now it’s time to get this blog back in check and here is what to expect…

The topics may be more diverse, there will be talk about populations beyond aging adults, the writings will ALWAYS be heartfelt.

So here I am, with a vastly different perspective than I ever experienced, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!!!