The Mountains
A small group of ordinary people, “ The Regulars” as they call themselves, are breaking new ground in awareness for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. Enzo Simone and his team of climbers are anything but regular. They are on a quest to summit 10 of the world’s most challenging and amazing mountains. Not only will they conquer the mountains, but also bring a level of unprecedented awareness to 2 horrible diseases afflicting over 92 million families in our country.
The Movie
10 Mountains 10 Years is a documentary feature film by Back Light Productions which chronicles the summit of Kilimanjaro with this group. The climbers make their way up the mountain and along the way receive inspiration, reading letters written by caregivers for those with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. The film intertwines their climbing journey with medicinal accomplishments in fighting these diseases. All proceeds from the film go to medical research and caregiver programs. Check out the trailer. It is phenomenal!!
10 Mountains 10 Years Movie Trailer from Vancan Design Studio on Vimeo.
The Motivation
Optimism and inspiration resonate in Jennifer Yee’s (writer/director/producer) voice when she talks about the movie. She calls it an “underdog journey” which began with her friend’s project of climbing mountains to bring attention to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and with a “giant leap of faith” became 10 Mountains 10 Years. Their desire for the film is worldwide distribution, but not for the reason you may think. The motivation for staying with the movie for the long haul is according to Yee, “to make a difference with people, so they see there are others out there fighting for them…there is hope when maybe they have lost hope”
A few with a dream CAN make a difference…
Thank you to Back Light Productions and “The Regulars”, keep up the battle.
Incredible! I had chills watching the trailer. What I love the most about this is that 'the ordinaries', people without fame or fortune, made such a huge commitment with the hope, but with no guarantee, that their quest would result in massive public awareness. Thanks for sharing this! AS more news becomes available about the movie--release date and distribution--please let us know.