A survey of THANKFULNESS as told by the elderly...
The girls (aka, nurse aids) who work hard
Happy times
A great birthday party earlier this month
New hearing aids, to better hear all of the gossip
Kids, Grandkids, Greatgrandkids, Spouses, Brothers, and Sisters
Fun we have upstairs (therapy gym) with that boy (the token male in our dept)
Unannounced visits from family
Late sleeping days, at that age no one HAS to wake early unless by choice
Not being confined to a wheelchair
Eating delicious food
Styled and washed hair
Still having a good mind at 91
There were a few others, as I learned I am a best friend, the ability to obtain oatmeal creme pies and cheesy puffs becomes invaluable, and even something as simple as seeing a smile from a caregiver gives our elderly patients a reason to be thankful.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't get bogged down by the big stuff. It appears that everything SIMPLIFIES in the end.